Reiki, Mindfulness, and Meditation

Hanover College is offering a day-long Reiki, Mindfulness, and Meditation Workshop for alumni, friends of the college, and community members on June 11, 2022, from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. This event will include an introduction to reiki, mindfulness, and mediation, guided meditation sessions, lunch, and a campus tour (optional). The cost is $125, and space is limited to 8 participants, so be sure to register today!
What is Reiki?
Many cultures have embraced the belief that life energy flows through the body, deeply affecting our entire being. Current research strongly suggests that energy flows throughout and radiates beyond the physical body and that disruptions or imbalances in its flow correlate to physical, mental, and emotional illness. The Japanese healing art of Reiki (Pronounced “Ray-key”) gently addresses these imbalances to support your health and well-being.
What is Mindfulness & Meditation?
Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention so that we are fully present, and Meditation is the exercise of paying attention. Mindfulness and Meditation have well-documented health benefits and have been referred to as the next Public Health Revolution much like jogging and smoking cessation have been in recent decades. For this reason, it is not surprising to see these skills practiced by all folks from professional athletes to business professionals to elementary school children.
Want to learn more about the day and the instructors? View the attached PDF here!
Questions? Contact Catherine Le Saux, Director of Counseling Services, at (812) 866-7399 or
Registration for this event has closed.