You may have noticed that we focus on celebrating three major milestone reunions: the 10-year, 25-year, and 50-year marks. Here's why:

Significance of Milestone Reunions:

  • 10-Year Reunion: This marks the first decade since graduation, a time when many of us have established careers, started families, and embarked on significant life adventures. It's a perfect moment to reconnect and share our journeys.
  • 25-Year Reunion: A quarter-century is a substantial milestone. At this point, we've experienced significant personal and professional growth. This reunion allows us to reflect on our shared past and celebrate our accomplishments.
  • 50-Year Reunion: Half a century since graduation is a momentous occasion. It's a time to honor our legacy, reconnect deeply, and celebrate the enduring bonds we've formed over the years.

Why Not Every Five Years? While every reunion is special, focusing on these key milestones allows us to create more meaningful and memorable experiences with each reunion committee. It ensures that each gathering is well-planned and highly anticipated, fostering a stronger sense of connection and celebration among classmates.

Celebrating Homecoming Annually: Homecoming is an annual tradition that keeps the spirit of our community alive. It's a time for all alums to return, reminisce, and cheer on our team regardless of whether it is a reunion year. Celebrating Homecoming each year ensures we maintain our connection to the alma mater, fosters school spirit, and provides a regular opportunity for all alums to engage and celebrate together.

We look forward to seeing you at our milestone reunions and annual Homecoming celebrations!
