My Profile

In order to update or create your profile, you must be logged in.  Please do so at https://our.hanover.edu/login.  If this is your first time to this page, please Register as a New User so that we can verify your alumni status.  Once verified, you will receive an email within 48 hours which will inform you that you have access to the private alumni sections on this site.  If you have already created a user account, please update your information below.

The privacy settings allow you to share the information you want with other online members.  If you wish your information to remain completely private, please update your personal profile and complete the privacy request form.  By completing both steps, this will alert the Alumni Relations staff to update the alumni database as well. If you have any questions about how this information is used, please review the privacy policy or contact the Office of Alumni Relations staff or call 812-866-7194.


Impact Hanover

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The Impact Hanover Fund brings your investment to life by supporting students with scholarships, by changing the educational landscape with new teaching and learning tools, and by fostering innovation across the campus. Leave your Impact! 
